First Haircut After Hair Transplant: When to Schedule It?

Embarking on the journey of hair restoration is an exciting time filled with anticipation for the full, healthy head of hair to come. Yet, many wonder about the “post-op” phase, particularly when it’s safe and appropriate to get their first trim or shape-up. Understandably, the thought of scissors near your new grafts might be daunting. However, with the right timing and care, a haircut can be a seamless step in the evolution of your transplanted hair.

This guide aims to ease your concerns, providing clear timelines and tips to ensure that your first cut enhances, rather than hinders, the success of your transplant.

So let’s dive into understanding the do’s and don’ts of haircutting after your hair transplant, setting you on a path to not only recovery but also to the stylish, confident look you’ve been awaiting.

Should I Cut My Hair Short After Hair Transplant?

There’s no mandatory requirement to cut your hair short after a transplant. However, if you’re considering a trim or a complete cut, it’s vital to wait until your scalp has fully recovered from the surgery. This waiting period is usually about three months, but it can vary depending on individual healing rates and the advice of your surgeon.

The key is to ensure that the scalp and transplanted hair have healed and settled to avoid any unnecessary complications. As your hair grows and heals, you’ll be able to experiment with shorter styles, but always prioritize the health and safety of your scalp and new hair. [1]

Also Read: When Can I Wash My Hair Normally After Hair Transplant?


When Can I Get My Haircut After Hair Transplant?

After undergoing a hair transplant, it’s crucial to allow your scalp to fully recover before considering a haircut. Typically, you should wait a minimum of three weeks for the incisions to heal properly. This period ensures that your scalp is ready and can minimize the risk of infection or disturbing the newly implanted follicles. As your hair begins to grow, different hairstyles will start to become viable options.

 About a year post-operation, you’ll notice the most significant improvement, as your hair adopts its new, natural growth pattern. Styles like curls, Caesar cuts, slicked back, short, and pompadour will become achievable. However, to truly see these styles in their prime, a full year’s growth is often necessary. Here’s a table to guide you through what to expect: [2]

Post-Operation TimeHair StyleNote
3 weeksBasic TrimOnly if the scalp is fully healed
3-6 months Short StylesGentle shaping and styling
1 yearAll StylesFull range, including textures


Can I Shave Transplanted Hair?

Shaving after a hair transplant is a decision that should not be rushed. Generally, it’s advisable to wait at least six months before using any shaving tools on the transplanted area.

This allows the transplanted hair to fully root and grow, ensuring a healthier outcome. When you do decide to shave, choosing a skilled barber and ensuring the use of clean, hygienic tools is paramount.

This reduces the risk of infection and ensures a neat, attractive result. Remember, the “donor area haircut” is a term often used to describe the shaving of the area where hair was taken for the transplant, and it should be treated with the same care and consideration as the transplanted section. [3]


Do Transplanted Hair Grow After Cutting?

Indeed, transplanted hair will continue to grow after being cut. Initially, you may notice some shedding, but this is a normal part of the process. Around 90 to 100 days post-operation, you’ll begin to see new growth, a sign that the transplants are settling in.

By the six-month mark, the hair starts to take on a more natural appearance and continues growing. The good news is that once the hair follicles have established themselves, they will continue to produce hair throughout your lifetime. Regular cuts and grooming will enhance the natural look, allowing you to enjoy a fuller head of hair. [4]

Also Read: How Many Hair Transplants Can a Person Have?


What Hairstyle Can I Have After Hair Transplant?

Post hair transplant, patience is key, especially when considering styling options. Initially, your focus should be on healing. Once the scalp is healed, you can start exploring different hairstyles. Here’s a timeline of when you can start using various styling methods:

Time Since OperationStyling Action  Note   
15 days             Hair Drying        Gentle air drying is permissible          
6 months            Gel & Other ProductsSafe to use styling products               
6 – 12 months           Blow-drying        Full blow-dry and styling permissible      

It’s always best to consult with your surgeon or a hair care professional before trying a new hairstyle or method to ensure it’s safe and won’t compromise the health of your transplanted hair.


Can I Tie My Hair After Hair Transplant?

Tying your hair immediately after a hair transplant isn’t recommended as it can put undue stress on the new grafts. Generally, you should wait until your hair has fully grown and recovered from the transplant process, which typically takes about 12 months.

After this period, the hair is usually strong enough to handle gentle tying or styling. Before reaching for that hair tie, consider the tension and pressure it may exert on the scalp, and always opt for looser, more gentle styles to maintain the integrity of your transplant.

Also Read: Traction Alopecia: When Is It too Late? The Most Important Signs!


Can I Dye My Hair After A Hair Transplant?

Dyeing your hair post-transplant requires waiting until your scalp has fully healed to avoid irritating the transplant site with harsh chemicals. Professionals generally recommend waiting at least one month after surgery before considering any hair dye. If the scalp is not fully healed, dyeing could lead to complications, as detailed in the table below:

Risk Factor            Consequence
Applying Dye to Open WoundsPossible infection and poor healing
Scalp Damage           Irritation and damage to the scalp 
Graft Damage           Reduced effectiveness and damage to grafts
Poor Aesthetic Outcome Uneven color, reduced hair quality 

To minimize these risks, always ensure your scalp is fully healed and consult with your surgeon or a dermatologist before using any chemical products on your transplanted hair.



As we conclude our discussion on navigating the first haircut after a hair transplant, it’s essential to emphasize the importance of post-operative care and choosing the right place for both your surgery and subsequent haircuts. At Hair of Istanbul, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional care from the initial consultation through the recovery process. Our commitment to excellence ensures that each step, including your first haircut after a hair transplant, is guided by expertise and a deep understanding of your hair’s needs.

Remember, the journey to your ideal hair doesn’t end with the transplant; it’s a continuous process that involves careful maintenance and expert advice. By choosing Hair of Istanbul, you’re not just getting a transplant; you’re embracing a lifetime of support and guidance.

We understand the nuances of post-transplant care and are here to ensure that every cut enhances your desired outcome. Trust in our team, our methods, and our commitment to your hair’s health and style. Here, your journey towards a fuller, more confident look is in safe hands.



  • [1] Michelle Parekh, Jan 21, 2017 – Is A Close-Cropped Buzzcut After Hair Transplant Possible? –
  • [2] Avenues Cosmetic, Oct 27, 2017 – 5 Hairstyles That Look Great After a Hair Transplant –
  • [3] 69pixl, Aug 19, 2022 – Hair transplant aftercare: the most complete guide –
  • [4] Penn Medicine – Hair Transplantation Frequently Asked Questions –

Dr. Mahmut Satekin

Hair of Istanbul

Dr. Satekin is an experienced physician in emergency Medicine. He will be taken care of your pre and post operative treatments.

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